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Client Vulcan Aim(Y) Bypass


Jul 20, 2020
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For a handful of Weeks I am now trying to Bypass Vulcans Aim(Y) Check but it seems like that nothing I am trying seems to fully bypass it. I have already tried improving my Sensitivity Bypass, I used different kinds and possibilies for Smooth&Random Rotations but nothing seems to work.
Does somebody have a hint or an explanation how to Bypass Vulcans Aim(Y) Check?
I heard some People mentioning bypassing it with a GCD Bypass but my Sensitivity should already fully bypass which is only adding to my confusion
package me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.impl.combat.aim;

import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.exempt.type.ExemptType;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.packet.Packet;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.data.PlayerData;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.api.CheckInfo;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.AbstractCheck;

@CheckInfo(name = "Aim", type = 'Y', complexType = "Rotation", description = "Generic rotation analysis heuristic.")
public class AimY extends AbstractCheck
    public AimY(final PlayerData data) {
    public void handle(final Packet packet) {
        if (packet.isRotation() && this.hitTicks() < 3) {
            final float lastFuckedYaw = this.data.getRotationProcessor().getLastFuckedPredictedYaw();
            final float fuckedYaw = this.data.getRotationProcessor().getFuckedPredictedYaw();
            final float difference = Math.abs(fuckedYaw - lastFuckedYaw);
            final double distance = this.data.getCombatProcessor().getDistance();
            final boolean exempt = this.isExempt(ExemptType.TELEPORT, ExemptType.DEATH, ExemptType.WORLD_CHANGE) || this.data.getActionProcessor().getSinceTeleportTicks() < 20;
            if (exempt) {
            if (distance > 0.6 && difference > 20.0f && distance < 10.0) {
                this.fail("diff=" + difference + " dist=" + distance);
package me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.impl.combat.aim;

import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.exempt.type.ExemptType;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.packet.Packet;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.data.PlayerData;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.api.CheckInfo;
import me.frep.vulcan.spigot.check.AbstractCheck;

@CheckInfo(name = "Aim", type = 'Y', complexType = "Rotation", description = "Generic rotation analysis heuristic.")
public class AimY extends AbstractCheck
    public AimY(final PlayerData data) {
    public void handle(final Packet packet) {
        if (packet.isRotation() && this.hitTicks() < 3) {
            final float lastFuckedYaw = this.data.getRotationProcessor().getLastFuckedPredictedYaw();
            final float fuckedYaw = this.data.getRotationProcessor().getFuckedPredictedYaw();
            final float difference = Math.abs(fuckedYaw - lastFuckedYaw);
            final double distance = this.data.getCombatProcessor().getDistance();
            final boolean exempt = this.isExempt(ExemptType.TELEPORT, ExemptType.DEATH, ExemptType.WORLD_CHANGE) || this.data.getActionProcessor().getSinceTeleportTicks() < 20;
            if (exempt) {
            if (distance > 0.6 && difference > 20.0f && distance < 10.0) {
                this.fail("diff=" + difference + " dist=" + distance);
Yeah I have already seen that but everything I tried before within my knowledge did not seem to work. Smooth Rotations, Sensitivity, Random Rotations did not work which is why I asked for a hint, maybe a specific kind of Randomness or smth
Yeah I have already seen that but everything I tried before within my knowledge did not seem to work. Smooth Rotations, Sensitivity, Random Rotations did not work which is why I asked for a hint, maybe a specific kind of Randomness or smth
You can literally see the code of the check, if you are too stupid to understand what it does, then you should go and learn java instead of skidding everything
You can literally see the code of the check, if you are too stupid to understand what it does, then you should go and learn java instead of skidding everything
I understand what it does but that did not help with me fixing the flag. I know that the Check mostly aims to check the difference between the last and current yaw if a certain distance (Movement Distance or maybe Rotation Distance or whatever) has passed. My Problem is that I know the Problem but that I am not currently able to fix it with what I tried.
For a handful of Weeks I am now trying to Bypass Vulcans Aim(Y) Check but it seems like that nothing I am trying seems to fully bypass it. I have already tried improving my Sensitivity Bypass, I used different kinds and possibilies for Smooth&Random Rotations but nothing seems to work.
Does somebody have a hint or an explanation how to Bypass Vulcans Aim(Y) Check?
I heard some People mentioning bypassing it with a GCD Bypass but my Sensitivity should already fully bypass which is only adding to my confusion
modulo != bypass
also ive sent you the code on this forum already on another thread even how the fucked fields get set / calculated
modulo != bypass
also ive sent you the code on this forum already on another thread even how the fucked fields get set / calculated
Yes you send the same Code Wykt did but as I said my main Problem currently is that with what I tested I was not able to fix it