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Possibly Infected Mercurian

Retarded owner blurs out his videos so i can't point out obvious pasting but i saw this
He is also openly bragging about sucessfuly pasting shit
I also think the client is a full snipeware/felix rename as the module list and ESP looks extremely similar

(On the screenshots the paste is on the left and snipeware/the client i was comparing it to is on the right)

Anyways, the client is obviously a full paste so if anyone wants to do the "aNoThEr BlAtAnTlY pAsTeD cLiEnT eXpOsEd Go BuY rIsE oN getyourdataleaked.com!!!!!!!" you are free to use the screenshots in this submission
Retarded owner blurs out his videos so i can't point out obvious pasting but i saw this
He is also openly bragging about sucessfuly pasting shit
I also think the client is a full snipeware/felix rename as the module list and ESP looks extremely similar

(On the screenshots the paste is on the left and snipeware/the client i was comparing it to is on the right)

Anyways, the client is obviously a full paste so if anyone wants to do the "aNoThEr BlAtAnTlY pAsTeD cLiEnT eXpOsEd Go BuY rIsE oN getyourdataleaked.com!!!!!!!" you are free to use the screenshots in this submission
It looks like the webhook is down, so the client is maybe safe, tho they might still use IRC to send the info, i'll try to check it if i get to it
main post where i say it's retardic copy and paste client get deleted guys..
but owner is retard fr, can code only mush bypasses with shitcode 💀 btw, webhook for send msg to server with logins, but server termed, safe
Oh man yeah old src!!! Did you (or the guy you are riding) already rename a different client?
nah cuz this guys are harmless and leaking 3 months old+ src is cringe (one of this niggas making client on liquidbounce base ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ )
nah cuz this guys are harmless and leaking 3 months old+ src is cringe (one of this niggas making client on liquidbounce base ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ )
say people who skid more than from 10 clients, and can code bypasses only for mush
nah cuz this guys are harmless and leaking 3 months old+ src is cringe (one of this niggas making client on liquidbounce base ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ )
(and one guy here (you) making a client base on leaked src's) its so much better)