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Easy anticheats to find bypasses for


New member
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
I am kinda new to coding bypasses and I wanted to ask you guys if you know by any change anticheats which are really bad.
I want to practice finding them and coding them, so it would be great if you guys knew any anticheats I can pratice on.
Thank you very much guys 😄
if you train to do bypasses I would advise you to create a localhost server with an anticheat like Verus or Vulcan and to bypass the checks without flagging if you manage to do this you bypass a majority of servers and understand better how all this works.
Alright thank you very much!
I neverheard of vulcan, what servers for example use this anticheat?
What bypasses should I expect that should work? I mean are there flys which currently bypass or is it not thhhaaaat bad?
What bypasses should I expect that should work? I mean are there flys which currently bypass or is it not thhhaaaat bad?
I advise you to watch the cheat videos on the anticheat or the server in question to find out which modules bypass and which do not bypass it gives you an idea
Alright, will do!
Thank you very much you all!
Are there any advices you can give me for finding them?
Alright, will do!
Thank you very much you all!
Are there any advices you can give me for finding them?
do a lot of testing of everything and anything play with the packets have fun deactivate them send them to replace them it's often with weird things that we manage to get around an anticheat it doesn't work everywhere but for the majority it does works and do not hesitate to look at the code of minecraft and to modify things it can also give you ideas.
little hint, if you're editing/sending rotation packets (e.g if you try to make a silent tower), make sure to not send the exact same rotation multiple times in a row, use randomization
Oh well thats a good hint!
I already thought of randomazing all, or at least make it optional.
First of all I try to make the more "easy" and "needful" modules. For example I talk of Scaffold, SafeWalk, Speed, Aura, etc.
Anyways I only created vanilla bypasses for now, but I will add some bypasses for bad anticheats soonTM.
Thank you very much for your hint @Kriteax :))
I am kinda new to coding bypasses and I wanted to ask you guys if you know by any change anticheats which are really bad.
I want to practice finding them and coding them, so it would be great if you guys knew any anticheats I can pratice on.
Thank you very much guys 😄
You should try Verus. It is the world's best worst anticheat ever.
Literally fly with just setting C03PacketPlayer's onGround bypasses
Even a noob KillAura with basic rotations bypass