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Source Releasing my old movement util

Nobody cares if the cheat existed back then since the dev wasn't selfcoding anything lmfao
I thought you cared about the cheat existed back then
"Can you shut up you dumb inbred?"
Tell me how I'm stupid? You're defending pasters, posting absolute trash posts and having no clue what you're talking about
1. Being toxic
2. Replying to a old thread (like me, but that also includes you)
3. I thought you were having no clue about what you're talking about
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? you litterally cant even implement clickgui scrolling you prob doesnt even know what interfaces are lmao
Seems like you went in anger mode instantly. He just wrote:
"implements IMinecraft...
Sigma flashbacks"
Don't get too angry. Maybe visit a doctor for your anger issues?
Tell me how I'm stupid? You're defending pasters, posting absolute trash posts and having no clue what you're talking about
4. You don't even know the word "skid" which is used as "skidders" instead of "pasters"
@xkeksbyte nichts gegen dich aber was ist das
if (movingForwards) {          
yaw += 180;      
if (movingForwards) {          
moveSpeed = -0.5F;     
habe auch keine ahnung was da passiert ist 💀
oh moveSpeed war falsche bezeichnung schau mal bei movingLeft/movingRight dann macht das mehr sinn
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4. You don't even know the word "skid" which is used as "skidders" instead of "pasters"
I swear to god dumb people defend dumb people, its like a chain reaction you need to get your low iq friends on this forum and trying to look right meanwhile both of you fuckers are absolutely retarded you are even copy pasting almost 1to1 my signature because you got so triggered from it

And i wonder why we are toxic, maybe because after like 200 post's its enough from 2 dumb retards that defend themselfs with like 3 different accounts
normally it is a post or and give an old util move lmao
meanwhile both of you fuckers are absolutely retarded you are even copy pasting almost 1to1 my signature because you got so triggered from it
I wrote that in my signature before I read yours.