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Source Releasing my old movement util


Active member
Jul 11, 2020
Reaction score
Nothing special, but could be useful for some clowns who still cant do a single bit of "math"

want something just comment in this thread

public class MoveUtil implements IMinecraft { //its obv what it does bruh public static double getDirection() { float moveSpeed = (float) 1.0; float yaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; boolean movingForwards = mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0; boolean movingBackwards = mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0; boolean movingLeft = mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0; boolean movingRight = mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0; if (movingForwards) { yaw += 180; } if (movingForwards) { moveSpeed = -0.5F; } if (movingBackwards) { moveSpeed = 0.5F; } if (movingLeft) { yaw -= 90.0 * moveSpeed; } if (movingRight) { yaw += 90.0 * moveSpeed; } return Math.toRadians(yaw); } public static void setSpeed(final double Speed) { double direction = getDirection(); mc.thePlayer.motionX = -MathHelper.sin((float) direction) * Speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = MathHelper.cos((float) direction) * Speed; } public static double getBaseMoveSpeed() { double baseSpeed = 0.28746801192563104D; //last airtick speed, 0.21 lowest value when falling straight down if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) { final double fixedSpeedMotion = 0.20000000298023224D; //Potion.java#moveSpeed = (new Potion( baseSpeed *= 1.0D + fixedSpeedMotion * (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1); } return baseSpeed; } public static double getFixedMotionY(double baseJumpHeight) { if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.jump)) { baseJumpHeight += (float) (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.jump).getAmplifier() + 1) * 0.1F; } return baseJumpHeight; } public static double getSpeed() { return Math.sqrt(mc.thePlayer.motionX * mc.thePlayer.motionX + mc.thePlayer.motionZ * mc.thePlayer.motionZ); } /* speed = calculateMoveSpeed(speed, lastDistance, divisor); aka speed = calculateMoveSpeed(speed, lastDistance, 159); */ public static float calculateMoveSpeed(final float speed, final double lastDist, final float divisor) { return (float) (speed - (lastDist / divisor)); } }
dont expect anything good from this shit lol just a old movement util
implements IMinecraft...
Sigma flashbacks
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? you litterally cant even implement clickgui scrolling you prob doesnt even know what interfaces are lmao
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? you litterally cant even implement clickgui scrolling you prob doesnt even know what interfaces are lmao
did I insult you? I just wrote sigma flashbacks, or do you already have schizophrenia or what to call it? some kind of psychosis, since you already see one insult in all messages
did I insult you? I just wrote sigma flashbacks, or do you already have schizophrenia or what to call it? some kind of psychosis, since you already see one insult in all messages
I did see it as a front, how about making your messages a bit more obv that it was a "joke"? 🤡
besides that i have something against you, i should let you know lmao just read my signature
I did see it as a front, how about making your messages a bit more obv that it was a "joke"? 🤡
besides that i have something against you, i should let you know lmao just read my signature
man, who did you such a trauma that you treat every person as if he insulted you or did something bad?
man, who did you such a trauma that you treat every person as if he insulted you or did something bad?
I just personally dont like you, it has nothing todo with a trauma. learn to solve ez logic questions yourself lmao

I just personally dont like you, it has nothing todo with a trauma. learn to solve ez logic questions yourself lmao

dont like me by im no so smart in codding how you? really 🤡
Nothing special, but could be useful for some clowns who still cant do a single bit of "math"

want something just comment in this thread
"public static double getSpeed() { return Math.sqrt(mc.thePlayer.motionX * mc.thePlayer.motionX + mc.thePlayer.motionZ * mc.thePlayer.motionZ); }"
Stop using Math.sqrt, use Math.hypot (if not in your new movement utils)
It is something like this:
Math.hypot(mc.thePlayer.motionX, mc.thePlayer.motionZ);
which is way better and optimized.
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skidded from FDP Client
Developer for haze store skids from pasted liquidbounce rename, nice
Stop using Math.sqrt, use Math.hypot (if not in your new movement utils)
Math.hypot is slightly heavier than Math.sqrt but it's still almost the same
Math.hypot is slightly heavier than Math.sqrt but it's still almost the same
As if 1 ms is so heavy, OMG OMG I don't want my game performance to be affected!1!1!1!1!1
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